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Una experiencia gastronómica

The Powell family have taken many formal cooking classes around the world in the Culinary Arts and  LOVE food and have traveled the world and eaten in thousands of restaurants.  We have also had to satisfy the most distinguishing palates......OUR 6 CHILDREN!!


Dominique loves to cook the main dishes and has had some instruction from the local ladies in cooking Galician style.


Ray loves to bake bread and loves, loves, loves to create desserts!!


Gabby & Rui have found their love for cooking & baking too!


We have also been pilgrims on the Camino and have experienced a wide variety of foods from the fantastic to the not so good!!  


We know what we would like to eat and we also know how we would like to be treated at the end of long day and a long trek.

Dietary Restrictions

En algún lugar del Camino Francés circula una lista que we somos un Albergue Vegetariano!!  No nos identificamos como Albergue Vegetariano.  Haremos todo lo posible para adaptarnos a sus restricciones dietéticas si el menú del día lo permite.  El aviso avanzado también ayuda mucho.

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